St. Johns River Trip - Latest Map Update

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31 December, 2009

Day 4

The gang arrived at our house at about 3:00pm. Here is a link to the photos they have taken so far photo slideshow



  1. Great photos, cool job guys.

    Got myself dunked yesterday (2nd) when kayak turned over mid way down Juniper run. Creek was surging from the rain, pretty much a challange for an old dude. Luckily, had a cabin with good heat and it didnt kill me, camping, I would have just died. I'm on your side, live to fight another day. Smart move not going north, It is gonna be cold, way cold.

    Did you see the new Jesup Bridge, huh, huh? Is that cool or what? All of the old causway is gone, and the river will be able to flow back into the lake next time we have a storm. Give a shout next time you are out in that area and we will send a contingent to greet you with some goodies. Is the league really open to geezers?

  2. you bet it's open to "geezers"! But if you're still having adventures like you one you described above, I wouldn't give you such a label :) We did see the new bridge; pretty cool. We'll give you a holler next time!

