St. Johns River Trip - Latest Map Update

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04 February, 2009

The Riverbluff League means much more than just rowing in a canoe or kayak. It's also more than the places we go or the things we build along the way. The League also has an impact on our everyday lives in a very real way. A person can much more easily find who they really are when they are in the midst of something difficult; something that tests them. The Canoe Trips fit that bill pretty well, with trips that average anywhere between 20 to 40 miles in a single day. Many times the ones that have a big ego find that they aren't all they thought they were, while others who didn't believe they could make it find a new strength that they didn't know existed. Regardless of the conclusion a person first comes to, the Canoe Trips eventually teach us three basic principles: DISCIPLINE, HUMILITY and CONFIDENCE--many times in that order.

DISCIPLINE is the main key for making it successfully through a Canoe Trip. Physical strength is not nearly as important as willpower and mental determination. There are a range of factors--heat, cold, storms, wind, insects, alligators, fatigue, sheer distance--that will inevitably overwhelm the canoer/kayaker that is going on simple brute strength. The true battle is in the mind. When you learn to bend your mind to a single purpose, even in the midst of doubts and fears, you gain the most important tool needed on a Canoe Trip.

HUMILITY comes almost hand-in-hand with respect. While discipline allows us to cross the great distances of the River, traveling these great distances gives the traveler a greater sense of just how small they are in the broad scheme of things. The realization that there are so many places that still exist and even prosper without the interference of man squashes one’s ego. We realize that, just beyond our manicured cities and houses, nature is still just as beautiful and dangerous as she ever was. We realize that we are not the center of anything, but rather a small part in a larger story. This not only gives us humility and respect for nature and others around us, but also a grateful appreciation of all that life offers us.

CONFIDENCE develops in it’s true sense; not as a puffed up ego but rather as a true understanding of our strengths and weaknesses, and where our talents and abilities are. We develop confidence because we understand our true place in the world; how we fit and what role we play.

These principles are certainly not limited to activities within the League. To the contrary, these principles are essential to everyday living; in school, in work, in relationships with others, in our view of the world. This is the deeper meaning and purpose of the Riverbluff League, to not only offer adventure and excitement, but also to serve as an opportunity for people to find who they truly are.

-Daniel Robison

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