St. Johns River Trip - Latest Map Update

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13 December, 2009

Normal guys...

The four of us all had a meeting this past Friday to go over the last gear that we had left to buy. This coming Friday we'll go out together and grab all of our food for the trip (I'll give a break-down of what we're bringing when I bring it all back home). I haven't written in a while because I am SUPER busy at work! On that note, I want to really drive home the fact that all four of us are regular guys; we don't spend our every waking hour out on the River doing extreme kayaking/canoeing feats. We go to work, we've got bills and commitments just like everyone else. But that just goes to show you what people are capable of when they put their minds to something.

I haven't had too much time to really think about the trip at all this last week, but I can't wait for it to get here. After all the hussle and bussle of the Christmas season, it's gonna be so awesome to leave all the noise behind and loose myself in nature once again!

I've also had some interest from a few people concerning what kind of gear we are bringing, so I think that as the trip gets closer, I may just go ahead and list everything that we're bringing along, to give you all a good idea of what we've got to work with. Stay tuned!



  1. How long are thinking the trip will take?

  2. I'm hoping about 9-10 days, as long as the weather and River treat us right and all. If we run into trouble, possibly a little longer.

